Dana R. Fisher

Director, Center for Environment, Community, & Equity

Dana R. Fisher is the director of the Center for Environment, Community, & Equity at American University and a professor in the School of International Service. She is also a nonresident senior fellow with the Governance Studies program at The Brookings Institution.

Her research focuses on questions related to democracy, activism, and climate politics. Recent projects include a study of responses to climate change by political elites in the US, assessment of the ways that national Service Corps programs are expanding to address climate change and resilience, and activism and protest around a range of issues. Professor Fisher has authored over 80 research papers and book chapters and has published seven books. Her most recent book, Saving Ourselves: from Climate Shocks to Climate Action, was published by Columbia University Press in 2024. She served as Contributing Author for Working Group 3 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Review (IPCC AR6) writing about citizen engagement and civic activism.

Fisher’s media appearances include ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, PBS Newshour, and various programs on NPR, BBC, and CBC. Her work has appeared in media outlets including the Washington Post, TIME Magazine, Politico, the Nation, Teen Vogue, and the American Prospect. Fisher holds a Ph.D. and Master of Science degree from the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her undergraduate degree is in East Asian Studies and Environmental Studies from Princeton University.

Current Projects

Funded Research Projects:

  1. Climate Constituencies Project: Continuing to Monitor the US Climate Policy Network (2023)
  2. Addressing Climate Change Through our Nation’s Service Corps (2023)
  3. Towards US-Japan Co-creation of Sustainability Transformations (2023)


Nonresident Senior Fellow, Governance Studies; The Brookings Institution

President, Eastern Sociological Society

Chair-elect, Political Sociology Section, American Sociological Association

Dana R. Fisher's Posts

CECE Annouces Inaugural Graduate Certificate Cohort

Climate and Sustainability

[Article] Why climate activists are becoming more radicalized (and why that’s not a bad thing) 

Climate and Sustainability

CECE Research Team Kicks-off Climate Corps Pilot with Visits to Vermont and California 

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

[Recap] Steven Donziger: From Climate Lawyer to Corporate Political Prisoner

Climate and Sustainability

CECE Director, Dana R. Fisher, gives a TED Talk

Climate and Sustainability

American University Experts Weigh in on COP29

Climate and Sustainability

CECE Secures Additional Funding to Expand ‘Climate in Our Nation’s Service’ [...]

Call for Proposals CECE Faculty Research Incubator Program 

Climate and Sustainability

CECE Whitepaper No. 1: The 4Rs of Climate Work: A Case Study of AmeriCorps

Climate and Sustainability

Article: Same Old Story with a Different Ending: Homophily and preferential selection of [...]

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

Article: Shock and Awe

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

CECE Holds Training for International Environmental Leaders

Climate and Sustainability

Article: Busting Myths and Calls to Action – A Round-Up of Environmental Books

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

In the News: Apocalyptic Optimism Could Be the Antidote for Climate Fatalism

Climate and Sustainability

COP28 Around American University

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

Article: How Effective are Climate Protests at Swaying Policy—and what could make a difference

Climate and Sustainability

Developing Research Strategies to Assess the Expanding Work on Climate Adaptation, Resilience, and [...]


Book Launch: Saving Ourselves: from Climate Shocks to Climate Action

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

CECE Director discusses findings from the March to End Fossil Fuels

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

CECE Director talks US Open climate protest with TMZ Live

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

Vox’s Today Explained Podcast with CECE Director, Dana R. Fisher

Climate and Sustainability, Environmental Equity and Justice

Addressing Climate Change Through Our Nation’s Service Corps

Climate and Sustainability

Article: Pathways for diversifying and enhancing science advocacy