Edward Guetti

Professorial Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Religion

Edward Guetti is a professorial lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at American University. He offers courses in Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Latin American Philosophy, Environmental Ethics (better known as Ecological Justice), and Environmental Philosophy. After completing a research residency at the University of Leipzig as a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow, Guetti’s research interests have centered around political, aesthetic, and justice-oriented concerns in relation to the global climate crisis and the implications of marking the present epoch as the “Anthropocene.” Guetti has been a member of an interdisciplinary research team in Brazil (at CEBRAP, the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisa) where he focused on the conditions for rearticulating practices of sustainability and sustainable development within frameworks that privilege equity, that recognize the authority of the contestations of sovereign indigenous nations, and that aspire to a preferential option for the poor and most vulnerable. Some of his research projects nearing completion include a book on the philosophical consequences of the intertwinement of the ends of art, nature, and history within the Anthropocene, and an essay to diagnose an expanded sense of “climate skepticism” in ordinary life. 

Current Projects

• Book on the ends of art, nature, and history within the Anthropocene, tentatively entitled “Ruins and Relics”

• Essay expanding the sense of climate skepticism: “We Live our Climate Skepticism”

• Upcoming papers/conference presentations on: i) a comparative critique of narrative self-understanding of the planetary moment with particular attention to Amerindian cosmologies, (ii) famine and the philosophical underpinnings of the “national exploitation” of territorial resources


International Association of Environmental Philosophy

American Society for Aesthetics

American Philosophical Association

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