Book: Landscapes of Care, Immigration and Health in Rural America

Landscapes of Care Immigration and Health in Rural America is a new book by American University Department of Anthropology Professor Dr. Thurka Sangaramoorthy, which was recently awarded an Honorable Mention in the 2023 Society for the Anthropology of North America Book Prize. Her work explores the ways in which immigrants in rural America navigate the U.S. healthcare system. She finds that the corporatization of health care delivery is interconnected with immigration policy in the rural parts of the country. In connecting case studies along Maryland’s Eastern Shore with similar experiences worldwide, Sangaramoorthy displays the local and universal challenges of global migration, rural precarity, and health governance. Through personal stories and systems analysis, she puts a face on health inequity data and helps readers understand the intensely human experience in these “landscapes of care.”
You can find the full book here.